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Blue Skies



"Dumnezeu  este  nu un om, pentru a minți, nici un fiu al omului, pentru a se pocăi. A spus El și nu va face?

Sau a vorbit El și nu o va face bine?

Amanda Ovat

Lekki Lagos

Jul 10, 2021

Good morning everyone. I want to share with us my experience last night during my prayers. I shared this with Pastor and he said to share here so that everyone of us can be very expectant especially for this new season that is upon us.

So here it is

I didn’t know that your birthday celebration was an impartation for me too.

Just finished prayers and I don’t even understand the kind of fire I feel around me. And I heard the Holy Spirit say to me that as they prayed for you yesterday, I as well received my portion of you.

My God!! This isn’t only your birthday celebration. Kaii


Lekki, lagos

Jun 27, 2021

I just want to thank God for His favour upon my business. Man of God prophesied increase and indeed God is taking us places.
I'm getting customers that I didn't even market to. Just this morning a customer made payment for his event saying he saw our sponsored ad on Instagram. Funny thing is I don't remember running an Instagram ad. Truly the hand of God is mighty in this House(SOMI). Our God be praised.


New York

May 17, 2021

Upon the last week of March, the prophet and man of God said unto me that I should be expectant of an increase of revenue, salary and/or income; literally the next week in the month of April where the blessings of the Lord were pregnant, I was notified that my salary would be increased starting immediately! Moreover, the flow of that word is still ongoing because I received an unexpected bonus a few days ago, where many other colleagues did not receive. Glory be unto God, His faithful word and the anointing upon SOMI!

Benie Ovat

Lekki, Lagos

May 9, 2021

At the beginning of the year, the man of God declared over our household that:
1. The ointment of Favour will rest upon us like never before in this year, and
2. International open doors like nothing we have seen before.

Today, i stand here to testify of a miraculous International job offer accompanied with such favour that blows my mind. And to crown it all, i never even applied for this job. God raised a helper who vouched for me from the get-go till the moment I received my Contract Letter.

I want to use this opportunity to say "Thank you, Lord" for His faithfulness over SOMI. 🤗



Jan 13, 2021

I have always asked the Spirit of the living God to pour himself into me. On the 12th day of the January 2021 12 days fast, i was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues for the first time in my life. I want to thank God for this gift he has bestowed on me and i pray to come back with many more testimonies in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you PS and may God continue to increase his anointing in your life and as you pour out into us may he refill you till there is continuous overflow. Amen

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